
Have a Great day!


  1. Good morning. My name is Claire Stecker, and I’m a 7th grade English teacher at North Broward Preparatory School. In conjunction with our 7th grade theme of “Food Literacy,” I am asking my students to write a food blog this year. In their blog, they will choose to focus on a passion or specific aspect of food; for example, they may choose to focus on their vegan or gluten-free diet (either their own recipes or experiences at restaurants), or they may want to highlight restaurants that serve locally grown/harvested food.

    I have perused hundreds of blogs and a few stand out as awesome; I absolutely love the content and layout of your blog! I would love for you to share your experiences, passion, and insight about blogging with my students to guide and help kick off our unit!

    Would you be interested and available in visiting our school for this purpose? We are located in Coconut Creek, and the visit would be on September 24th or 25th, depending on your availability .

    Thanks so much for even considering a visit like this. I look forward to hearing from you.

  2. i would like to email you. i love travel food and exercise. i would love to discuss these topics with you. have a good day, my friend.

  3. Hola buen día, represento a una empresa americana y deseamos iniciar contigo una alianza comercial, me podrías indicar tu numero telefónico o el de tu manager para contactarnos contigo? Muchas gracias de antemano

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