Renaissance Festival

My daughter and I had a phenomenal time at the Renaissance Festival. Actually, it was beyond wonderful.We went inside for the first time to this festival with no idea what it was waiting for us.

They greeted us with a “welcome special guests” shhhhhh we are special!!!; I thought.Everyone was into character and we loved it.

Most of the people going to this festival were wearing costumes, including our friend Carlos.

We had smoked turkey leg for lunch, tasty and filling. The huge pickles were tempting but they were too big for us.

We saw the royal parade and it was impressive their organization and the well thought of the costumes.

My girl and I were amazed at everything as we walked through the festival, checking the mini-stores ( all of that time period ), everyone and I mean, everyone was so nice and talking with an accent, plus they acted like they knew us, it was so much fun.

We got to see many shows; flamenco, magic show and even a pirate show which was the best.

I can’t wait to go this year and have a beer while I dance with the girls.

Thank you Blue and Yelp, for the wonderful experience!

Check out thoer website for more information and tickets for this year’s festival @

La pasamos fenomenal en el Renaissance Festival . La verdad fue mas que maravilloso.

Entramos por primera vez a este festival sin ninguna idea de lo que nos esperaba. Nos recibieron con un “Bienvenido a nuestros invitados especiales” Ohhh somos especiales; pensé.
Todos las personas de este festival estaban actuando a todo momento y nos encanto. La mayor parte de los que fueron a este festival estaban disfrazados, incluyendo a nuestro amigo Carlos.
Almorzamos una pata de pavo ahumada, estaba deliciosa y sustanciosa. Los encurtidos de pepinos se veían muy ricos pero eran gigantes para nosotras.

Presenciamos el desfile real y nos impresiono lo bien organizado que estaba sin obviar los trajes formidables que tenían todos.
Mi hija y yo estábamos asombradas con todo a medida que íbamos caminando por este festival, chequeando las tiendas pequeñas ( todas de la época ), todos y me refiero a todos, hablaban con acento ademas actuaban como si nos conocieran, fue muy divertido.

Pudimos ver varios shows; flamenco, show de magia y hasta uno de piratas el cual fue el mejor.

Ya no aguanto las ganas de volver para tomarme una cerveza y bailar con las muchachas.
Gracias Blue y Yelp, ustedes son magnificos!

Para mayor informacion y tickets, visiten su pagina web


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